ATPBot Launched a Real AI Quantitative Trading Bot

PRESSITEADE. Hiljuti, ATPBot, the first truly quantitative trading bot, announced that it can now connect to the Binance API for trading, providing users with more opportunities to trade cryptocurrencies. By registering ATPBot, connect to Binance Exchange, enter your investment amount

Bitcoin Cash Smart Contracts ‘Comparable to Those on Ethereum’ Possible via May Upgrade, ‘1000x Efficiency Advantage’: Dev Jason Dreyzehner

Pro-freedom technologies advocate and software developer Jason Dreyzehner recently spoke with News via email about the upcoming Bitcoin Cash network upgrade on May 15. One of the most talked about improvement proposals set to go through on that date —…

Alchemy Pay: Bridging the Global Economies of Fiat and Cryptocurrencies

On April 20th, The European Parliament approved the first comprehensive crypto regulation EU-wide, the Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA). In the same day, a separate law, the Transfer of Funds regulation, was passed, requiring crypto operators to confirm the identity of their

Economist and Political Scientist Refute Claims of US Dollar’s Demise Despite Trend of De-Dollarization News

Sellel aastal, there has been a flurry of news reports and opinion editorials discussing an alleged de-dollarization trend amid a wave of disclosures associated with the BRICS bloc. In a recent article, the American political scientist and author Ian Bremmer insisted

Dollar mängib oma relvastamise tõttu väiksemat rolli, Digitaalsed valuutad, Majandusteadlane Jeffrey Sachs ütleb

Järgmise kümnendi jooksul, USA. dollar mängib palju vähem domineerivat rolli kui praegu, Jeffrey Sachsi sõnul. Tunnustatud majandusteadlane loetles mõned tegurid, mis tingisid dollari staatuse vähenemise, näiteks selle kasutamise…

US Dollar Could Lose Most of Its Value in 5 Aastaid, Investment Manager Warns

Investment manager Larry Lepard has warned that the U.S. dollar could lose most of its value within five to 10 aastat. Following the onset of the Russia-Ukraine war, “USA. did something which I perceived to be very stupid, mis on…

"2023. aasta paanika": James Corbett selgitab, kuidas pangakriis võib viia CBDC "täieliku rahakontrolli õudusunenägu"

Uuriv ajakirjanik James Corbett viitas hiljuti käimasolevale ülemaailmsele panganduskriisile, mis hõlmab SVB-d, Allkirjapank, Credit Suisse ja teised “2023. aasta paanika,” tuues võrdlusi sellega, mida ta peab ajaloolisteks pretsedentidena, ja osutades ette paratamatule…

FL Gov. DeSantis Proposes Ban on Central Bank Digital Currency Use as Money

Governor Ron DeSantis of the U.S. state of Florida has proposed legislation to prohibit the use of central bank digital currency (CBDC) as money in his state. “The Biden administrations efforts to inject a centralized bank digital currency is about surveillance

Burry panganduskriisi kohta, Kiyosaki hoiatab "võltsraha" süstide eest; Jutt "Krüptovastasest" tegevuskavast allkirjade panga kokkuvarisemise taga – nädala ülevaade

Spekulatsioonid ja arutelud jätkuvad praeguse ülemaailmse pangandusprobleemi ümber. Riskifondide juht Michael Burry, kes on tuntud 2008. aasta majanduskriisi ennustamise poolest, võrdleb paanikaga 1907, samas kui Rikas isa Vaene isa autor Robert Kiyosaki…

Michael Burry võrdleb praegust panganduse segadust paanikaga 1907 — tõstab esile Markets Botting

Michael Burry, riskifondide haldur, kes on tuntud selle ennustamise poolest 2008 finantskriis, on tõmmanud paralleele praeguse panganduse segaduse ja paanika vahel 1907. Ta märkis, et kolm nädalat pärast J.P. Morgan võttis sõna, paanika lahenes…